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Did you know that New South Wales smoke alarm legislation states that at least one working smoke alarm, which meets Australian standard AS 3786, must be installed on each level of all buildings where people sleep?

This means that landlords are legally obliged to ensure smoke alarms are functioning and compliant in all their rental properties.

To comply with this legislation, property managers currently organise annual physical smoke alarm inspections across all rental portfolios. But this outdated system is both expensive for landlords and inconvenient to tenants who need to give permission for access.

Plus there is the uncertainty of how long the inspection remains accurate – especially with older smoke alarms.

Now there is a better way.

Sensor Global has developed innovative new technology for ‘smart’ smoke alarms that are connected, automated and self-monitoring – sending an alert in the event of a malfunction or even tampering.

This groundbreaking new system uses the latest Internet of Things technology and is fully compliant with legislation. Smoke alarms in your property are connected to a hub and cloud software platform which provides real time 24/7 visibility of all devices.

Even better, this groundbreaking technology is comparable in price to a standard smoke alarm without the cost or inconvenience of a physical inspection.

Statistics from Fire & Rescue NSW show that 30% of fatalities caused by fire occurred in homes without a functioning smoke alarm. Each year, an average of 21 deaths occur in residential fires across the state.

No one wants to risk the lives of their tenants. Check out a Sensor Global system upgrade today.